Jan. 27, 2025
The electric energy of the refining furnace is mainly used for smelting, but it is inevitable that energy will be released to the outside world, which will cause the problem of power loss. This problem of power loss cannot be completely eliminated. The power consumption control of the refining furnace is to reduce the lost power and achieve greater energy utilization efficiency.
By analyzing the specific occurrence of power consumption in the refining furnace, targeted remedies can be carried out, which is the main way to control actual power consumption.
The power consumption is proportional to the refining time. The longer it takes to refine steel, the more power it actually consumes.
Therefore, improving the refining efficiency in the refining furnace and reducing the refining time are the most effective ways to solve the power consumption control problem. The factors that cause the change in refining time mainly include the initial temperature, state and composition of the molten steel. The initial temperature of the molten steel is consistent with the production process and its composition is uniform. If the slag layer of the molten steel does not have crusting, the refining will be significantly accelerated and the entire refining process will be faster.
According to the production experience of refining furnaces, the impact of the initial temperature of the molten steel and other factors on the refining time can cause a time of about 20-40 minutes. The change in refining time will cause deviations in the connection of the entire process.
Therefore, adjusting the initial state of the molten steel to the required state as much as possible can greatly reduce the power consumption. This is one of the most important ways to control the power consumption of the refining furnace.
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Customized metallurgical machinery and equipment range: Electric Arc Furnace, Submerged Arc Furnace, LF Refining Furnace, Vacuum Furnace, Induction Furnace, Dust Remove System, Water Treatment Equipment, etc. Providing the most advanced equipment integration services, metallurgical equipment can be customized according to different needs of customers, and production capacity can be adjusted according to customer requirements.
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